Big Latch On - Coming Soon

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for details on this year's event!
Join other breastfeeding mamas and supporters for a fun event at locations throughout Aotearoa New Zealand! Building community support, one latch at a time
Palmy Parent and Child Expo

Come along and check out some of the amazing organisations that offer products and services relevant to families in our area. Pregnancy through to school!
Stay tuned for updates!
Check out our Expo Facebook page for more information about stallholders, giveaways, goodie bags and more in the coming months!
Preggy to Preschool Garage Sale
Come to support our Parents’ Centre fundraiser and grab amazing bargains on baby and children’s items.
- Good quality pre-loved clothes, equipment, accessories and toys for 0-5 year old's
- Sold by local families at very reasonable prices
- Entry is by gold coin donation.
- Raffle with great prizes
Date/Time: 20 April 2024
Venue: Central Baptist Church, 190 Church Street, Palmerston North
Little One's Christmas Party 2022
Coming Soon
Grab all your gum drops and your peppermint sticks, gingerbread recipe and your little bag of tricks!
This will be a special Little One's Christmas Party with Christmas crafts, music and baking.
- Crafts and festive treats for all the family to enjoy.
- A fun Christmas music session where you and your baby will be led through a variety of exercises that will stimulate the vestibular system (Balance); communication, vision, depth perception, tracking and peripheral vision, beat and rhythm and sensory stimulation.
Merry Christmas Boys and Girls!
Christmas Party Sessions/Ages:
- Walkers 9:30am - 10:30am
- Non-Walkers 11am - 12noon
Venue: Palmerston North Parents Centre, Te Papaioea Birthing Centre, 117 Ruahine Street, Palmerston North