Music and Movement


Music and Movement

Encourage purposeful movement in a fun, creative way

Music and movement are vital aspects in a baby’s development and growth.   The movement helps to stimulate the vestibular system (balance) and allows them to learn about their environment.  It also encourages baby to learn about their body, fine and gross motor movements, this combined with music allows baby to hear the beat and move their body in time.  Music also helps with brain maturation, it is particularly important for encouraging left right brain communication and cognitive function. During a Music and Movement session you and your baby will be led through a variety of exercises that will stimulate the vestibular system; communication, vision, depth perception, tracking and peripheral vision, beat and rhythm and sensory stimulation.  The groups are designed to meet the developmental stages of the child.  You will find that the songs are often repeated week after week to allow baby to more easily master activity through the familiar.  But, most importantly music is about having fun with your baby and sharing new and exciting experiences together and giving you the tools to sing and dance at home.

Busy Bees

(18 months +) Tuesday  9.30 am—10 am

Sparkly Stars

 (8 months +) Tuesday  10.30 am—11 am

Cuddly Caterpillars

 (0-8 months) Tuesday 11.30 am—12 pm

Parents Centre Members: 

$30* per term, paid in advance

Casual fee: $4 per child, per class


$40* per term, paid in advance

Casual fee: $5 per child, per class


Palmerston North Parents Centre, 

Te Papaioea Birthing Centre, 117 Ruahine Street.

Please see our calendar to register for the Term - click here

To register for classes casually message us on facebook 

Term 4 2022

Starts Tuesday 11th October